“If we develop a good heart we will progress to true compassion, and awaken Bodhicitta. This is the way of the Buddha’s method.”~Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo


Founded by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo under the guidance of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, the Kunzang Palyul Chöling (KPC) Buddhist temple has been a hub of compassionate activity for over 30 years. KPC’s ongoing mission is to inspire people to improve the world and end suffering for the benefit of all beings. Our virtual temple is yet another way for people of all walks of life to connect with a lineage of wisdom teachings that help cultivate qualities such as compassion, love, and generosity.

Explore our different “rooms” where you have access to various resources and support, including the virtual prayer room, meditation classes, teaching archive, and children’s nook.


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A statue of the Buddha Shakyamuni on the 1000 Buddha Wall in the prayer room at KPC

Meditation is the natural state of mind when it is relaxed, stable, and open.

When our mind is calm and settled, there is a spaciousness that allows time between action and reaction. The trouble is that the mind more frequently runs wild like a monkey. That is what happens when the mind is too agitated, wound up, or out of control. The mind controls you rather than the other way around.

The point of meditation is to create space in your mind. The mind is like a muscle. In the same way that you do physical fitness training to keep your body strong, the mind needs to be trained to be calm and relaxed, yet also alert and wakeful. For Buddhists, meditation is the means by which to experience wisdom directly.

Learn How to Meditate

Jetsunma, beloved for her wit and piercing ability to share Buddhist philosophy and meditation instruction in a way that is easily digestible for the Western mind, offers a teaching on the purpose of meditation and how to begin practicing it.

Atira Zeoli, daughter and heart student of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, is known for her ability to relate the Buddha’s teachings to the modern world with good humor and practical examples. Here she offers instruction for an easy 5 minute meditation to calm and center the mind.

Stabilizing the Mind

Stabilizing the Mind, written by Jetsunma Akhon Lhamo, provides a practical approach to meditation that arose from her deep insight into the nature of mind. Stabilizing the Mind meditation has been practiced since the time of the Buddha and presents a relevant antidote to our busy lives today.


Visit Barnes & Noble, or Amazon to purchase this book. Hardcopy or Kindle

Tune In for a Meditation Class

Jump in and learn to meditate! Classes are designed for both beginners and long term meditators. Each class starts with some meditation instruction based off of Jetsunma’s book, Stabilizing the Mind, which provides a strong foundation in meditation and gradually introduces more advanced techniques, all of which help create the causes for inner peace and compassion to swiftly grow within ourselves, even with our busy lifestyles. Sessions always close with a dedication by the group that their efforts help end suffering for all beings.


Weekly Meditation Classes – Join us online every Saturday & Sunday at 10 a.m. via webcast

Listen to a Guided Meditation

Jetsunma’s Light Expansion Prayer is a short and simple guided meditation that utilizes visualization as a means to cultivate compassion and understand interdependence

Meditate in Our Virtual Prayer Room

Our virtual prayer room provides a sacred space to meditate wherever you are. This room has supported KPC’s continuous 24 hour prayer vigil for over 35 years. Adorned with beautiful altars, statues, thangkas and large crystals, this energetically potent space offers virtual support for your prayer and meditation practice.


Enter the Virtual Prayer Room 

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Pray With Us

Participants in a group practice pray together in KPC’s prayer room

“Prayer is when you are in a state of awakening.” – Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

In Vajrayana Buddhism, the point of spiritual practice is not just to calm the mind, but to recognize the true nature of all phenomena. To that end, visualization and mantra recitation are used extensively on the path of awakening.

“As you generate yourself as a Buddha or Bodhisattva, reciting mantras and devotional prayers, your mind arises as a pure form. This is different from the ordinary mind that struggles to wake up each morning, dragging along its ego-clinging baggage or karma and looking for happiness in futile ways. This pure form is an expression of pure cognition, free of conceptualization and limitation. It is pure awareness, a state of pure luminosity. The deity we generate is an expression of that pure state. All phenomena are understood to be the deity’s body, voice, and activity. Thus, phenomena cease being something we grasp.” — Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Traditionally known as sadhanas, each practice begins by cultivating the compassionate desire to liberate all beings from suffering, and ends with a prayer dedicating the virtue of the practice for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Join Us for a Visualization Practice Online

Join us in prayer through webcast or Zoom. Click on a calendar event to reveal the link to join and a link to download the practice text. Scroll down for descriptions of our most common practices.


Learn More About the Practices

Medicine Buddha

Medicine Buddha is dark blue in color and used for healing physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Medicine Buddha is known specifically to help eliminate pain and sickness, purify disease, and restore health for both yourself and those whom you are practicing for. However, the practice is as much about the mind as it is the body. The practice purifies and removes the underlying, karmic causes of disease and cultivates the causes for holistic well-being.

Riwo Sang Chod

Riwo Sang Chod literally means “Mountain Smoke Offering”. Although Riwo Sang Chod can be performed with a single stick of incense, for more elaborate offerings a sacred fire can be built and various substances such as wood, incense, and medicine can be burnt as offerings. The burnt substances are transformed into inexhaustible amrita (medicine), that are visualized to emanate throughout space like massive clouds with vast desirable qualities that heal and benefit all beings. Riwo Sang Chod is said to be exceptionally beneficial for cleansing the environment, increasing health and prosperity, and stimulating world peace and harmony. It is a very powerful ceremony, performed outdoors, that accumulates both merit and wisdom.

Dorje Phagmo

Dorje Phagmo is an ecstatically fierce red dakini who’s head is surmounted by the head of a sow. The pig’s screech shatters illusion and cuts sharply through to the direct realization of the emptiness of self. She is often associated with triumph over ignorance and helps cut through attachment and desire.


Tsog (pronounced “soak”) is a profound offering practice used for purification and to swiftly gather immense merit and wisdom. This is done by offering a “feast” ceremony with many different foods and drinks. The offering substances are then considered to be blessed and transformed into nectar through the practice, essentially transforming that which is desirable, or even “dirty” or “negative” (such as meat or alcohol), into a method to attain wisdom.

Therefore, an important part of the practice is utilizing pure perception, training your mind to view everything as intrinsically pure, including the substances offered and those enjoying them. In the most profound sense, tsog is the non-duality of method and wisdom, compassion and the recognition of emptiness. It is through this practice that swift results are attained. Tsog is particularly powerful in groups because the blessings and results of the practice are magnified.

Rigdzin Dupa

Rigdzin Dupa is celebrated on Guru Rinpoche day (the 10th lunar day of the Tibetan calendar) with a Rigdzin Dupa practice and tsog. Rigdzin Dupa, ‘The Gathering of Awareness Holders,’ is a powerful practice for dispelling obstacles and celebrates the masculine energy of method, or compassion.


Yumka is celebrated on Dakini Day (the 25th lunar day of the Tibetan calendar) with a Yumka practice and tsog to celebrate the feminine energy of wisdom. The central meditation visualization of the Yumka practice is on the wisdom Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal, foremost consort to Guru Rinpoche. The Yumka sadhana is renowned as a full path to enlightenment.

Download Prayers & Practices


Padmasambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche, was an 8th-century Buddhist tantric master who is famous for bringing Buddhism to Tibet. Padmasambhava is an important symbol of enlightenment in the Dzogchen teachings of the Nyingma lineage, and his image is often visualized as an object of meditation. He is said to have had eight manifestations, including both peaceful and wrathful forms.


Padmasambhava is closely associated with the terma tradition of the Nyingma school, in which specially empowered lineage holders called tertons discover secret teachings or texts. Many of these texts are attributed to Padmasambhava himself, who is said to have hidden them in the physical world or in the mind-stream of students to be revealed at a future time and help



7 – Line Prayer

The Seven-Line prayer to Guru Rinpoche, is one of the most beloved and important prayers, in Vajrayana Buddhism and in particular the Nyingma tradition. The prayer has many layers of meaning, from the ‘outer’ literal meaning to hidden meanings. Many masters have compiled books, such as White Lotus, by Mipham Rinpoche, trying to convey the potency and immense blessing that comes from reciting this extraordinary prayer. The 7-Line prayer was found in all teachings of Guru Rinpoche revealed by the hundred and eight major and one thousand minor tertons, or treasure-discoverers, demonstrating its importance.

Download the  7-Line-Prayer


Sampa Lhundrup

Sampa Lhundrup (Spontaneous Fulfiller of All Wishes) is a blessed teaching given by Guru Rinpoche that helps remove obstacles. It offers protection from all types of calamities. Sampa Lhundrup guards against conflict, disease, poverty, obstacles on the path, vicious animals, disturbances of the four natural elements, robbers, sudden death, the intermediate state after dying, clinging to reality and attachment, and the sufferings of the six realms of beings.


Download the Sampa-Lhundrup-Prayer


Orgyen Menla Prayer


The Orgyen Menla prayer should be in the Padmasambhava section. I have amended the text to make that more clear:


Orgyen Menla is a form of Padmasambhava manifesting as the Buddha of Medicine. This prayer, an excerpt of the Sampa Lhundrub Ma (above), is used for healing physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Medicine Buddha is known specifically to help eliminate pain and sickness, purify disease, and restore health for both yourself and those whom you are practicing for. However, the practice is as much about the mind as it is the body. This prayer purifies and removes the underlying, karmic causes of disease and cultivates the causes for holistic well-being.


Download the Orgyen-Menla prayer

Medicine Buddha

Medicine Buddha is dark blue in color and used for healing physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Medicine Buddha is known specifically to help eliminate pain and sickness, purify disease, and restore health for both yourself and those whom you are practicing for. However, the practice is as much about the mind as it is the body. The practice purifies and removes the underlying, karmic causes of disease and cultivates the causes for holistic well-being.


Condensed Medicine Buddha Practice


At the request of one of her students, Jetsunma composed this condensed Medicine Buddha practice to help bring benefit and healing during the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus.


Download the Medicine-Buddha-JAL-condensed


Amitabha, is referred to as the Buddha of “Infinite Light.” Through his compassionate aspirations as a Bodhisattva he vowed that upon attaining Buddhahood anyone who remembered his name or prayed to him would be reborn in his “pure realm” of Dewachen immediately after they die. From there, they could easily accomplish Buddhahood themselves and be free from suffering. However, a pure land is also thought of as a state of mind, not necessarily a place like heaven that one goes to for eternity. Jetsunma has created a condensed Amitabha practice that can be practiced by anyone and is particularly beneficial to do when a person or animal has died.


Download the JAL-Condensed-Amitaba-Practice

For additional support, practice along with this Short Amitabha Practice video


Tara is considered to be the mother of all the Buddhas, beloved for her swift compassionate activity that focuses on liberating beings from fear, anxiety, and danger. As a Bodhisattva, (and perhaps ahead of her time as a feminist) she made the vow that she would always return in female form to benefit sentient beings. In truth, she is the embodiment of our true nature, wisdom and compassion. Meditating on Tara helps us awaken to our innate Buddha nature and cultivate her virtuous qualities.


Although she comes in many forms, she is typically depicted with a beautiful appearance, smiling, and adorned with a crown. The 21 Tara practice invokes the wisdom and compassion from her 21 manifestations.


Download the 21-Homages-to-Tara mantra


Avalokiteshvara is the bodhisattva of compassion, who returns again and again into samsara to skillfully help beings attain buddhahood and be free of suffering. He manifests in many forms in all realms of existence to help. Avalokiteshvara in the Six Realms is a practice that helps uproot the six main poisons from our mindstreams, hatred, greed, ignorance, desire, jealousy and pride, and enables us to cultivate Avalokiteshvara’s infinite compassion and enlightened qualities.

Download the Avalokiteshvara-in-6-Realms


Vajrasattva is a Buddha that is renowned for his ability to purify karma and negativity. The 100-syllable mantra is very powerful and is recited while visualizing Vajrasattva above one’s head. From his feet, white nectar pours in through one’s crown and fills one’s entire body while all negativities flow out as darkness.

Download the Vajrasattva-100-Syllable-Mantra

Practice in Our Virtual Prayer Room

Our virtual prayer room provides a sacred space to practice wherever you are. This room has supported KPC’s continuous 24 hour prayer vigil for over 35 years. Adorned with beautiful altars, statues, thangkas and large crystals, this energetically potent space offers virtual support for your prayer and meditation practice.




1000 Buddha altar at KPC

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The great scholar Shantideva

The great scholar Shantideva, author of The Way of the Bodhisattva

Dharma within the Buddhist context refers to Buddha Shakyamuni’s teachings on the nature of suffering and the method to overcome suffering and attain inner awakening.


Dharma can also be thought of as medicine because it is an antidote to our ignorance, or mistaken view of reality.


Lineage is very important within Buddhism to assure that the authentic teachings of the Buddha are upheld. KPC is part of the Palyul lineage in the Nyingma tradition of Vajrayana Buddhism, and can be traced all the way back to the Buddha himself through a long line of accomplished masters practicing what he taught and having direct realization of the truth themselves. This ensures that the teachings stay authentic, fresh, and appropriate for the current times we live in.


Dive into the vast wealth of teachings that are available below.

Online Classes

Enjoy timeless wisdom in easy-to-understand language which helps you apply Buddhist principles to your daily life.


Weekly Dharma Classes – Listen to Dharma teachings from the vast video treasury of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo – Wednesdays at 7 p.m. EDT and Sundays at 11 a.m. EDT via webcast


Beginning Buddhism Class – This class is taught by Jetsunma’s daughter and heart student, Atira Zeoli. Classes are offered twice a month on Sundays at 5 p.m. via webcast. For more information and upcoming class dates, please visit the class page.

Jetsunma’s Blog

Jetsunma’s blog, Tibetan Buddhist Altar, has a wealth of information and teachings, as well as meditation instructions, prayer texts and altar images.

Palyul Productions

A compilation of Vajrayana Buddhist teachings by many different teachers within the Palyul lineage who have visited KPC over the years. Click here to visit.

KPC Podcasts

KPC has recently created a podcast called “Buddhism for Beginners,” which can be found on all major podcast apps.  Simply make sure you have a podcast app on your mobile device and do a search for “Buddhism for Beginners” and click to listen. On your Mac or PC, open iTunes, on the top left dropdown (defaults to ‘music’) choose ‘podcasts’. Do a search in the upper right for “Buddhism for Beginners” and click on our app.

Recommended Reading

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Request Prayer

“For as long as space remains,
For as long as sentient beings remain,
Until then may I too remain
To dispel the miseries of the world.”

~A Guide to Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, by Shantideva

Submit a Prayer Request

If you want to make prayer requests for loved ones or a situation, write your prayer below. Every day we read the requests of people around the world and dedicate the virtue or merit of the practices on their behalf, and to end the suffering of all beings.


Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.


To make an offering along with your prayer request click here

Sponsor a Ritual Practice

People in Buddhist cultures have relied on the prayers of monks and nuns for centuries. Sacred rituals
passed down in an unbroken lineage, from highly realized masters, carry extraordinary blessing power
and benefit.


Anyone who needs help can request prayers. Prayers can be dedicated for anyone including yourself!
Buddhist prayers and rituals are performed without a price tag. Buddhist monks, nuns and lay
practitioners pray for others without asking for anything in return. People requesting prayers may make
an offering to support the Temple that offers the ritual practices. This culture of “mutual giving”
generates merit which in turn brings positive benefit to the sponsor. For this reason, the descriptions of
ritual practices (below) include a suggested offering amount. That said, any offering that you wish to
make is sufficient.


Daily Nam Cho tsog practice with Protector prayers for clearing obstacles and gathering of merit. Done
daily. Suggested offering $80


Special practice day tsog with Protectors:
Padmasambhava Puja (Rigdzin Dupa tsog) with Protectors – 2-hour ritual, including tsog (food
offering), done on the 10th day of the lunar month. Brings blessing and is powerful in dispelling
obstacles. Suggested offering $125


Dakini Puja (Yumka tsog practice) with Protectors – 2-hour ritual, a heart-essence practice
emphasizing the female wisdom aspect. It includes tsog (food offering), done on the 10th day of
the lunar month. Suggested offering $125


Phowa practice weekly for those who have recently died. Done monthly. Suggested offering $35


Riwo Sang (Smoke) offering which is beneficial for cleansing the environment, increasing health and
prosperity, stimulating world peace and harmony. Suggested offering $35


Concise Medicine Buddha practice for physical and emotional healing. Done daily. Suggested offering


Condensed Amitabha practice for those who have died. Done weekly. Suggested offering $10

To sponsor a ritual practice click here

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A statue of the Buddha Avalokiteshvara on the Migyur Dorje altar at KPC

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